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Little Dutch - Wooden Doll Stroller - Flowers & Butterflies

Little Dutch 8713291770645 LD7064
BAR Code: 8713291770645
SKU Code: LD7064
Little Dutch - Wooden Doll Stroller - Flowers & Butterflies


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Take your doll for a walk! The wooden doll stroller is adorned with the magical Flowers & Butterflies collection. The sturdy frame is beautifully finished, and the wooden wheels have a rubber rim for extra protection. The stroller moves smoothly.

Which doll will join the ride? Rosa, Jim, Evi, or Julia?

Product Details

Collection: Flowers & Butterflies
Compliance: EN-71-1-2-3
Product dimensions: 44 x 1.5 x 51 cm
Recommended age: 3+ years
Color: Pink
Material: Wood
Warning: WARNING: Adult assembly required.
Care instructions: Clean surface only with a damp cloth.

Important: The stroller does not include the doll toy.