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Little Dutch - Little Farm magnetic puzzle

Little Dutch 8713291771598 LD7159
BAR Code: 8713291771598
SKU Code: LD7159
Little Dutch - Little Farm magnetic puzzle


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What do you see on the farm? With this magnetic puzzle, you can create numerous combinations. Use your imagination or assemble it as shown on the cards (following the suggestions). There are endless combinations that ensure lots of fun while promoting vocabulary and coordination. At home or on the go. The box is made of sturdy cardboard for easy storage of all items, and the magnetic lid doubles as a playboard.

Product Details

  • Material: sturdy cardboard
  • Age: 3 years+
  • Dimensions: 19 x 26 x 4.1 cm
  • WARNING: Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.