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BIBS - Baby Bottle Nipple Round Latex 2 pack Slow Flow

BIBS 5713795265282 5000001
BAR Code: 5713795265282
SKU Code: 5000001
BIBS - Baby Bottle Nipple Round Latex 2 pack Slow Flow


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Product Details

Anti-Colic Design

The nipple valve minimizes air intake, helping to prevent gas, reflux, and colic, while promoting a smooth flow of milk for happier tummies.

Natural Comfort

The breast-like nipple closely resembles the natural shape, feel, and movement of a mother’s nipple during breastfeeding, encouraging a natural latch and making the transition between breast and bottle easier.

Natural Rubber Latex

Crafted from the Hevea tree, this highly flexible nipple material is known for its skin-like softness.

Consistent Comfort

Designed to match BIBS’ round pacifier nipples, this feature helps to prevent nipple confusion for your little one.

BPA Free

All components are BPA-free and made from 100% food-grade materials, complying with the European Standard EN14350.

Three Flow Rates

Available in slow, medium, and fast flow rates, these nipples cater to your baby’s changing feeding pace, ensuring the most comfortable rhythm.


Manufacturer: BIBS Denmark ApS, Høgevej 19, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark ;