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Frida Baby - Baby Nail Clipper and File

Frida 1220000220270 FB-500001237
BAR Code: 1220000220270
SKU Code: FB-500001237
Frida Baby - Baby Nail Clipper and File


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Solve all your clipping problems without damaging your baby's delicate skin with the NailFrida SnipperClipper set. The safety window lets you see what you’re cutting, ensuring you get a perfect manicure/pedicure every time. NailFrida’s uniquely curved blades mimic the shape of baby scissors, designed for smooth and quiet cutting.

Product Details


Place your child’s nail between the curved blades of the clipper. Start at the tip where the blades meet.
Follow the curve of your child’s nail as you cut, just as you would with scissors.
Use the safety window to see where you’re cutting and to prevent cutting into your child’s fingertip.
After cutting, use the S-shaped file to smooth out any sharp edges.