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BIBS Cuddle Cloth Muslin - Baby Blue

BIBS 5713795242139 9402231 1756
BAR Code: 5713795242139
SKU Code: 9402231
BIBS Cuddle Cloth Muslin - Baby Blue


Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

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BIBS Cuddle cloth is a premium multifunctional baby cloth that can be used as a burp cloth, nursing cover, a cover on your changing mat, or as a bib. The possibilities are endless with this must-have baby essential! Our soft muslin cloths are made of 100% organic cotton and just keeps on getting softer with each wash. · Muslin – soft and breathable · Pre-washed making it 100% absorbable from first use · 100% Organic cotton · 70x70 cm


Manufacturer: BIBS Denmark ApS, Høgevej 19, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark ;