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BIBS Pacifier Clip - Ivory/Vanilla

BIBS 5713795238613 9401110 1753
BAR Code: 5713795238613
SKU Code: 9401110
BIBS Pacifier Clip - Ivory/Vanilla


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BIBS’ pacifier clip will be the third hand you always wish for and the essential you can’t live without. It is an indispensable accessory that makes everyday life with a baby a bit easier. Our pacifier clips are easy to use – just attach the metal clip to a piece of your child’s clothing and it prevents the pacifier from getting lost, or dirty by falling to the ground or floor. A practical product to be used both at home, in the stroller or out and about. Our pacifier clips are designed in a classic retro look braided in beautiful Nordic colors - thus the name Paci Braid. This is the product for you who want to combine usage and functionality, with a beautiful design that matches your baby's favorite BIBS pacifier. The Paci Braid is made of 100% organic cotton.


Manufacturer: BIBS Denmark ApS, Høgevej 19, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark ;